The State of Louisiana has a program called CRIME VICTIM REPARATIONS (CVR). If you are eligible, this program can pay you back for money you spent out of pocket as a result of violent crime. Read more below about who can apply, what is covered, and how to apply.
Visit the CVR website Here. Find your local Parish Claim Investigator (who can help you through the process) Here.
This page has been updated (May 2023) to include recent changes passed in a new law last year, ACT 487. We still recommend you always check in with your Parish Claim Investigator first (in Orleans Parish, call 504-202-9229, to confirm all information on eligibility, procedures, and award amounts. Please check LCLE’s CVR website Here regularly for updates!

Did you know financial assistance is available after crime? After experiencing violent crime in Louisiana, you can apply for financial help for medical, funeral, lost wages, and other expenses (if you qualify), Scroll down for more information on the CVR program!

The program is run by the state of Louisiana (LCLE). If you are an (eligible) crime victim, and you have spent money as a result of the crime, you may get this money back (reimbursed), if the expenses are eligible. There is also a smaller emergency amount available quickly. Check out the rest of the slides for more info and how to apply! Call 504-202-9229 in Orleans Parish.

You can share our short link tinyurl.com/2023CVR. The paperwork can be confusing, so please contact your parish Claims Investigator. Here is a list: tinyurl.com/CVRClaimInvestigator. For Orleans parish, the contacts are Stephanie Minto-Gibson 504-202-9229 or email mintos@opso.us OR Andrea Howard 504-827-6754 or email howardan@opso.us.

Victim of violent crime who suffers "physical and/or emotional harm or death or catastrophic property loss," a person who "legally assumes the obligations or voluntarily pays" expenses related to a crime on behalf of the victim, or an immediate family member needing counseling after victim death (from LCLE CVR website).
Things that may lead to denial or partial amount being approved (from LCLE CVR website):
"A victim whose own behavior contributed to the crime (in those cases, benefits may be reduced or denied)." (SEE BELOW).
"A victim or claimant who was engaged in illegal activity at the time of the crime." (SEE BELOW).
"An offender or an accomplice of the offender."
"Anyone who was incarcerated in a penal institution when the crime occurred."
Victims of motor vehicle accidents not considered crimes.
The board should favor partial awards rather than denying a full application, and when considering whether the victim "contributed to or provoked the offense through his/her own misconduct," the board is to consider the "totality of circumstances." (CVR Admin Rules May 2023).
Requirements can change, so check the website! These are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so please reach out to your Parish Claim Investigator to see if you are eligible (even if you’re not sure). Do not get discouraged! They are there to help you navigate this, and it can't hurt to reach out!

Crime must occur in Louisiana or a Louisiana resident becomes a victim in another state that does not have a similar program.
Application must include reasonable documentation that a crime happened - this can be a police report, a signed form from a prosecuting attorney or law enforcement officer, court records, or certification that a crime happened signed by a licensed clinical social worker, professional counselor, healthcare provider.
Application must be filed within one year of the crime (LCLE CVR website). But, depending on the circumstances, there is possibly some flexibility.
Crimes that qualify: "involve use of force or the threat of the use of force and result in personal injury, death or catastrophic property loss, and those victims of human trafficking AND motor vehicle crimes including DWI, hit and run, victim of a driver fleeing law enforcement, or a victim who is intentionally injured by a vehicle" (LCLE CVR website).
Requirements can change, so check the website! These are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so please reach out to your Parish Claim Investigator to see if you are eligible.

All expenses must be related to the violent crime.
Typically, you first pay bills yourself when you receive them, make copies of the bills and your proof of payment, and then submit these documents with your CVR application.
The CVR board reviews your documents and then (if approved) pays you back money you spent.
You will only get back the money you spent directly out of your own pocket AND that is directly related to the crime.
For example, they don't pay you back money insurance paid. The goal is to help you recover your personal finances spent as a result of violent crime.
Because of this, they will need to see bills showing what you personally owe and what you paid directly.
You will work with your Parish Claims Investigator at your local Sheriff's Office to fill out these forms.

Reasonable medical, prescription, and dental expenses (includes Forensic Medical Exams or FMEs for sexual assault. Unlike other medical bills, bills for FME's are sent directly from the hospitals to CVR, so the victim should NOT be billed).
Mental health counseling (up to $2,500, but you can apply for an additional $2,500 with documentation).
Funeral expenses (up to $6,500 after May 1, 2023; previous crimes $5,000).
Loss of earnings or support (up to $15,000 for crimes after May 1, 2023; previous crimes $10,000).
Child care expenses (if they've increased due to the crime).
Crime Scene cleanup (up to $2,500).
Reasonable replacement costs (for items taken as evidence or made unusable as a result of the criminal investigation).
Catastrophic property loss (for an owned destroyed primary home. Up to $15,000 for crimes after May 1, 2023; previous crimes $10,000)
Relocation (up to $5,000 per head of household)
TOTAL claim limit is $15,000 (or $25,000 if permanent disability results from the crime)

CALL YOUR PARISH CLAIM INVESTIGATOR FIRST - THEY WILL ASSIST YOU IN FILLING OUT THE FORMS; Remember to keep INVOICES + RECEIPTS that show any payments you have made; Keep track of what any insurance companies have paid. Anything paid by insurance or other sources cannot be reimbursed by CVR, and insurance must be billed first before you apply; If the crime involves a death, you may need a copy of the DEATH CERTIFICATE; You may need copies of newspaper articles describing the incident; You may need a POLICE REPORT OR INCIDENT REPORT (initial + supplemental report). If you can't get the supplemental report, the detective can write a letter. New rules also allow healthcare providers and other licensed professionals to confirm a crime has occurred - check the application for options.

YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR AN EMERGENCY AWARD OF $1000, ASK YOUR CLAIM INVESTIGATOR ABOUT THIS; Keep track of your mileage/gas expenses that are related to trips to the doctor if they are farther than 20 miles one way - for MEDICAL MILEAGE; Victims of sexual assault may choose NOT to file with their insurance and still get reimbursed by CVR; If you are awarded money by the court (related to the crime) you may be required to pay back any funds CVR has already paid; The board usually decides on your application within 30 to 45 days. If you get rejected, YOU CAN APPEAL

This process can be hard, but don't give up! There is hope. Call the number below in Orleans Parish: 504-202-9229. If you're in another parish, find your contact here: tinyurl.com/CVRClaimInvestigator.
The above information was sourced from the LCLE CVR Website.
Crime Survivors NOLA is not affiliated with the LCLE or the Crime Victim Reparations program. This guide was created for informational purposes only (by volunteers) to assist victim-survivors. Its content is subject to change, based upon administrative rules developed by LCLE and the CVR board - always check with your Parish Claims Investigator (in Orleans Parish, call 504-202-9229)!
Any questions should be addressed to the National toll-free number 1-888-6-VICTIM
or the State contact (LCLE) 1-225-342-1749.